
Application Framework

The etna gem + npm module define a common framework for Etna applications.


The base class of your application (e.g. ‘Arachne’) should include Etna::Application

class Arachne
  include Etna::Application

This will make the class a singleton (using Ruby’s Singleton interface). The main purpose of Etna::Application is to hold configuration and make a connection to a database, separate from the Rack server (so you can, e.g., connect to the database via a command-line interface). Configuration is a Hash object usually stored in a config.yml at the root of the application:


Configurations are separated out by environment, e.g. your config.yml might look like this:

  :log_path: ./test_log

  :log_path: ./log

The current environment is set using an environment variable based on your application name. (e.g. ENV[“ARIADNE_ENV”]). You may access configuration for the current environment from your singleton:



This class implements a basic Rack server and provides simple routing, logging, and error-handling.

The server should use the application class as a container:

class Arachne
  class Server < Etna::Server

Routes may be either defined using ‘controller#action’ syntax or using a block:

class Arachne
  class Server < Etna::Server
    route '/weave', action: 'loom#weave'

    route '/trash-talk' do


Controllers are in the global namespace and should be named like SomethingController. Actions are methods defined on the controller.

class LoomController < Etna::Controller
  def weave
    success('application/json', tapestry: 'image-of-aphrodite.jpg')

The controller provides @request and @response rack objects, @params (built by Etna::ParseBody), @server, @logger and @user objects.

The action is usually invoked by the #response method. Both the action and ultimately the #response method must return a valid Rack response (e.g. [ 200, {}, ‘OK’ ])

The controller also gives several helper methods:


There are two error classes available: Etna::BadRequest (for client errors) and Etna::ServerError (for server errors). Raising will cause the controller to return a status of 422 or 500 with the given error.

Etna::ParseBody and Etna::SymbolizeParams

These two Rack layers should be included - the first parses application/json and multipart messages and makes them available in the rack Request object under rack.request.params - the Etna::Controller makes this available using the @params hash. SymbolizeParams turns the keys of the params hash into symbols.


If this middleware is included, it will confirm that the auth token (from an Authorization: Etna <token> header or a cookie named in config(:token_name)) is a valid JWT verified by the key in config(:rsa_public). If so, it will set ‘etna.user’ in the Rack environment, which will be picked up by the Etna::Controller as @user. Note that the :rsa_public you set in your config.yml must correspond to the :rsa_private set in your authorization service.

Alternatively, if there is no token, the request is signed by HMAC. HMAC-generated URLs are usually made by the application; there is an Etna::Hmac utility which helps you generate the appropriate requirements and a URL. The result of the HMAC is access to the path with ‘etna.hmac’ set to true.

While you are free to test @user in your controller (e.g., return failure(403, 'You cannot perform this operation') unless @user.can_edit?(@params[:project_name])), Etna::Route allows you to do these basic authorization checks via the route. E.g.:

class Arachne
  class Server < Etna::Server
    get '/test', auth: { user: { can_edit?: :project_name } }

HMAC routes should use auth: { hmac: true }.

Some routes (for example, error or login pages) might require no authentication by Etna::Auth and should use auth: { noauth: true }.


This middleware can be included in lieu of the above to set user credentials without a properly-signed token (useful in testing environments).


This class validates permissions from the authentication service’s JWT. It is not a substitute for a user model, but may be used alongside one.


A basic command-line interface can be built with Etna::Command. The Etna::Application singleton will list commands:


and can be setup to run a command from a shell script:

Arachne.instance.run_command(config, *ARGV)

Commands are subclassed from Etna::Command

class Arachne
  class Console < Etna::Command
    usage "ariadne console"

    def execute
      require 'irb'

The command is responsible for creating a database connection, etc., if appropriate by overriding its #setup method.

JavaScript Shared Library

The JavaScript components are shared across Mount Etna projects. You can install them via NPM into your project with: npm install --save git+ or with a specific version / sha, like npm install --save git+

To use the components in your project, just import the source components. i.e.

import UploadControl from 'etna/src/jsx/components/upload-control';