
File Service

Metis is a file service for Etna applications. It provides the ability to store binary files in folder hierarchies and access them via HTTP API. The underlying object storage uses an ordinary filesystem (i.e., files in Metis are stored on disk as files)



As with all Etna applications, the basic organizational unit of Metis is the project - the user only has rights to data from a project according to their project role.


Buckets are the root-level containers for each project. A bucket is access restricted, either by role or by access list. Bucket names are restricted to symbol_names, i.e. [A-Za-z0-9_]+.


Folders are collections of files and folders. Folders may be “protected”, preventing the creation of new files or folders.


Files may have any content. Metis will compute MD5 sums for each file and (if available) back them up using cloud storage. Files may also be protected from modification by admins.


File (and folder) names must match [^<>:;,?"*\|\/\x00-\x1f]+, i.e. excluding common wildcard, separator and control characters.



Metis provides a browser client that allows file viewing, download, and upload.


bin/metis_client is a command-line client to interact with metis. To run the client requires Ruby 2.5+.

You should install Ruby via rbenv and select one of the above versions (2.5 - 2.6). If you are using a non-Linux operating system, you will need to install the dependencies listed in the non-Linux OS section before installing rbenv or any of the target Ruby versions.

Non-Linux operating system dependencies

When using metis_client on non-Linux operating systems, you may have to manually install some additional libraries before installing rbenv.

For macOS, you can install these both with homebrew:

$ brew install md5sha1sum
$ brew install readline


To run the metis client, copy your Janus token (by visiting e.g. and set this as an environment variable in your shell (e.g. export TOKEN=your.janus.token). Then run bin/metis_client.

The first time the client runs it will guide you through setup of these variables:


With no arguments metis_client will put you into an interactive shell where you may use the commands below.

A valid metis path as optional first argument to metis_client will set the client’s project, bucket and folder. E.g., metis_client metis://athena/armor/blueprints will start the shell connected to the ‘athena’ project, in the ‘armor’ bucket, in the ‘blueprints’ folder.

Subsequent arguments will be treated as commands and executed non-interactively, e.g. metis_client metis://athena/armor/blueprints ls will list the contents of the blueprints folder.

Command-line invocation mode

Once you have a set of Metis commands that you want to execute, you can put them into a text file and feed them into metis_client via the command line. This allows you to automate a process with a scheduler, like cron or systemd.

For example, you might have a text file like the below instructions.txt:

project my_project
cd data_bucket
get . /local-path-to-copy-data-to

Then you can execute these commands against Metis (assuming you have injected the TOKEN environment variable)

$ metis_client.rb < instructions.txt


If you have edit permission you may also:

Avoiding token expiration

Metis downloads may take days, especially for the initial download of a large corpus. A common issue is token expiration during the download. While resumption is relatively painless, token expiration will usually interrupt a workflow. There are some strategies you might employ to avoid token expiration:

  1. metis_client will attempt to juggle your token (keep it current) during an active download using Janus’s /refresh_token endpoint. However, this will not re-export a valid token to your shell, so subsequent invocations of metis_client (e.g. if you are using command invocation to script downloads) will fail.

  2. You may use Janus’s token generation scheme (see above) to refresh your token between downloads. This requires setting a public key on your Janus account.



Listing a folder path will return a JSON list of files and folders at that path, including an HMAC-signed download_url:

GET /:project_name/list/:bucket_name/*folder_path


You may get a list of visible buckets for your project:

GET /:project_name/list/

Admins may create, update or delete a bucket:

POST /:project_name/bucket/create/:bucket_name { owner, access, description }
POST /:project_name/bucket/update/:bucket_name { access, description, new_bucket_name }
DELETE /:project_name/bucket/remove/:bucket_name

Bucket access is either a role administrator, editor, viewer or a comma-separated list of Etna user ids (emails).


Editors may create, remove and rename folders.

POST /:project_name/folder/create/:bucket_name/*folder_path
DELETE /:project_name/folder/remove/:bucket_name/*folder_path
POST /:project_name/folder/rename/:bucket_name/*folder_path { new_folder_path }

Admins may protect or unprotect folders:

POST /:project_name/folder/protect/:bucket_name/*folder_path
POST '/:project_name/folder/unprotect/:bucket_name/*folder_path


Editors may remove or rename a file:

DELETE /:project_name/file/remove/:bucket_name/*file_path
POST /:project_name/file/rename/:bucket_name/*file_path { new_file_path }

Admins may protect or unprotect a file:

POST /:project_name/file/protect/:bucket_name/*file_path
POST /:project_name/file/unprotect/:bucket_name/*file_path


The basic upload cycle first requires the editor to authorize a new file upload into a project, bucket and path with their Etna auth token:

POST /authorize/upload { project_name, bucket_name, file_path }

If the intended file path is invalid, or the destination is locked, the upload authorization will fail.

This returns an HMAC-signed URL to the upload endpoint, which may be used to perform the upload:

POST /:project_name/upload/:bucket_name/*file_path { action, ... }

This endpoint can perform three actions:

We initiate the upload by communicating what we intend to send:

{ action: 'start', file_size, next_blob_size, next_blob_hash }

We repeatedly send blobs of binary data (using multipart post):

{ action: 'blob', blob_data, next_blob_size, next_blob_hash }

If the data does not hash correctly upon receipt, Metis will reject the blob.

When we have sent the final blob, the upload completes and Metis returns the newly-minted file JSON.

If we are dissatisfied with our progress we may cancel the upload:

{ action: 'cancel' }



When you update or install the project, make sure to run migrations. You should do this with the built-in command provided in $ bin/metis migrate instead of directly using Sequel.

To run migrations against your test database, run $ METIS_ENV=test bin/metis migrate.

Data Directory

You can configure where the data blocks are stored in your config.yml file. The environment (test, development, etc.) should have a :data_path: value set. Make sure to also create two sub-directories, uploads and data_blocks. For example, if your config.yml looks like:

  :data_path: ./data

On your disk you’ll want to create the following directories:


Archiving files

When you upload files using the UI, they will appear in your data_blocks directory as temp- files. To calculate their MD5 hashes (and optionally put them into long-term cloud storage on AWS), you need to run $ bin/metis archive.